Mary's Place

A web page about the life of a lady who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

Location: Piedmont, Oklahoma, United States

I live in Piedmont, OK, with my Husband of 50 years who has been very supportive. We have 2 sons,David and Kenny, 6 grandkids, and 6 great grandkids. I enjoy feeding and watching the birds and squirrels. Before I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, I ran a Licensed Day Care Home for Infants for 15 years. I noticed I wasn't able to remember important things and having problems with my speech. I was experiencing severe headaches. I would get lost. I didn't know how to use the computer. At the age of 55, I told my doctor. I was sent for an MRI. which showed a large amount of shrinkage. I went to a neurologist who sent me for two days of testing. I was diagnosed with dementia of the Alzheimer's type. My husband and I were both in shock. I had to give up my job. I went to see a social worker. I've taken Aricept for 11 years. I can now use the computer and even do this web page. I also host a chat room for dementia patients. This is a very lonely disease. I don't want anyone to feel as lonely as I did when I was diagnosed (I thought I was the only one over 50 that had Alzheimer's). In 2006 I started taking Namenda. Also I was told I have a mixed dementia, Alzheimer's/Vascular.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I got woke up this morning by the mailman. One of my friends had sent a letter with postage due. She had put two stamps on it and I still don’t understand why there was postage due… Dave and I have been busy washing windows and screens today. We got an inch and a half rain yesterday so hopefully the dust is settled and the windows will stay clean for a few days. I love clean windows… I went up on my scooter to pick okra and without thinking I got my scooter stuck in the mud. I had to come home and get Dave. He pulled the scooter out with the four-wheeler. Sometimes I think I am more trouble than I am worth. Dave just smiles and says for better or worse… Dave got the call today for his MRI appointment. He will have it on Thursday evening. I am sure hopinlg they can fix his problem. It must be so hard not to be able to hear. I feel sorry for him. I also worry that if I fell how would I get his attention… I am going to cut up okra for supper and get ready to watch the debates tonight… Goodnight All… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma


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