Mary's Place

A web page about the life of a lady who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.

Location: Piedmont, Oklahoma, United States

I live in Piedmont, OK, with my Husband of 50 years who has been very supportive. We have 2 sons,David and Kenny, 6 grandkids, and 6 great grandkids. I enjoy feeding and watching the birds and squirrels. Before I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, I ran a Licensed Day Care Home for Infants for 15 years. I noticed I wasn't able to remember important things and having problems with my speech. I was experiencing severe headaches. I would get lost. I didn't know how to use the computer. At the age of 55, I told my doctor. I was sent for an MRI. which showed a large amount of shrinkage. I went to a neurologist who sent me for two days of testing. I was diagnosed with dementia of the Alzheimer's type. My husband and I were both in shock. I had to give up my job. I went to see a social worker. I've taken Aricept for 11 years. I can now use the computer and even do this web page. I also host a chat room for dementia patients. This is a very lonely disease. I don't want anyone to feel as lonely as I did when I was diagnosed (I thought I was the only one over 50 that had Alzheimer's). In 2006 I started taking Namenda. Also I was told I have a mixed dementia, Alzheimer's/Vascular.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yesterday our internet was down… I got a good report on my mammogram. Everythng is fine. Thank you God… We left the breast center and went shopping for jewelry again. Still can’t make a decision though… Then we went to David and Lori’s. They got a new television and it is a really nice one. We are always happy when our kids get something new and want to share it with us. Jenni, Madison, and Macey were there so I got my grandkid fix… Lori fixed a delicious meal for us… It was late when we got home and I couldn’t wait to get in bed. I was so tired. It had been a stressful day… I received a sweet e-mail from our granddaughter Erin today. The baby had woke her up in the middle of the night kicking. So while she was awake she wrote to me. Erin is having to go in everyday for a stress test. She and baby Kooper Allen are in my daily prayers…
It was in the 60’s and the sun was shining so I thought I would get outside with the dogs. Sammy and Teddy saw me outside and came running down here. The wind was cold. So I only stayed out for about an hour. Josh had the day off and he was riding the four wheeler… Goodnight All… Keeping The Faith In Oklahoma


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